The David Kaplan Award 2015

Best TV or video spot news reporting from abroad


AWARD NAME: The David Kaplan Award 2015

RECIPIENTS: Emiland Guillerme, Ben Laffin, Spencer Wolff, Deborah Acosta, Yousur Al-Hlou, Pamela Druckerman, Stefania Rousselle, Ben C. Solomon, Leslye Davis, Taige Jensen, Quyn Do, Adam B. Ellick and Steve Duenes

AFFILIATION: The New York Times


Working in a medium relatively new to the organization, journalists at The New York Times conveyed the terror, confusion and pain of the Paris terror attack almost contemporaneously by simply allowing eyewitnesses and victims to tell their stories, in their own words. The fact that these narrated accounts were spoken in French (and subtitled) did not detract at all from their power—a testament to the strength of this approach. Sensitive photography and lighting and effective use of ambient sound highlighted the stakes of the narration. The Times also judiciously used music, graphics and B-roll to highlight the reporting without overwhelming it. Especially noteworthy was the piece “An Improbable Survivor.” During the live coverage of the attacks, much of the world had been transfixed by the image of a man dangling outside a window at the Bataclan Concert Hall. The Times tracked him down and told his story.

Watch the Times video coverage of the Paris attacks >>

Citation Recipient: Charlie D’Agata, Heather Abbott, Erin Lyall and Lynne Edwards
Affiliation: CBS News
Honored Work: “Desperate Journey: Europe’s Migrant Crisis”
Citation Page >>