OPC Reaches Out to Polish Press Club

OPC Executive Director Sonya Fry and Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk, president of the Press Club Polska in Warsaw, exchanged messages after Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife and dozens of Polish officials were killed in an April 10 plane crash.

Fry: “Please accept the deep condolences of your colleagues at the Overseas Press Club of America in New York City. Losing your President and his wife along with many other members of the military and the government is so tragic. We have many Polish emigrants living in New York City and we can see in their eyes and tears that their homeland is a powerful force in their lives. I also personally send my prayers and sorrow at this tragedy for your country.”

Jaroslaw’s reply: “It is really very sad time now in Poland. For me it is also very hard personally because I lost 5 good friends there. Thank you for your prayers.”