October 2015 Bulletin

120_october_bulletin_2015_15687We hope you enjoy this electronic digest of our October Bulletin. This month we are announcing new OPC photo ID card options for working press members. The October issue also includes recaps from a busy season of events, including former OPC President Michael Serrill’s report on a meeting about protocols for reporting from conflict zones; a recap of our panel on Covering the Greek Debt Crisis; a discussion with Emmy-winning filmmakers on Firestone and the Warlord; an evening with Chinese dissident Wu’er Kaixi; and our China Shocks panel on global reverberations under President Xi Jinping’s rule. OPC Foundation scholar Katerina Voutsina writes about reporting on the Greek debt crisis for the Wall Street Journal. We’ve got previews of two upcoming events: a Book Night with Linda Hervieux on her book about African-American soldiers during WWII, and an evening with OPC Governor Daniel Sieberg as he explains Google News Lab.  Plus, People and Press Freedom Update columns, a Q&A with OPC member Rod Nordland, and more.